Your goal, our commitment.

What you do over the next few months will determine the positive direction your life will take in the future. Take control now! Let us lead you on your path to success guiding you every step of the way. Would you like to improve the results of your business and its overall performance? We will assist you in developing your vision for a successful future focusing on the purpose and goals that inspire you to continue to move your business forward.
At Prespa, we do not view advice purely as a ‘transaction’. It is a relationship between client and advisor. There needs to be an element of trust and belief that we are working in partnership with our clients to build successful business relationships. Prespa will be your reliable financial guide in the complex world of business. We will help you develop your business philosophy that you live by – your vision, your purpose, and your goals.

Planning for your future?

It is impossible to plan for the future without accurate and useful information from the past. Our goal is to provide clients with an unprecedented view of their business through the use of technology. We continue to explore and implement innovative ways to improve our approaches, processes, and procedures. This is to ensure that our methods are ‘cutting edge’ and always up to date. Out true value is planning with our clients for the future and ensuring their business is running at its true potential. We can achieve this by providing advice and information to assist you to make informed decisions in your business.

New to business?

We have many start-up clients who find the initial set up and structure of their business can be confusing and overwhelming. We can assist you in determining what the best structure will be for your specific needs and explain it to you in a way you can understand. Following the initial meeting to understand your specific scenario and business we then assist you through the process of creating a business plan, setting up your structure and registrations with ASIC and the ATO. Next, we can set up your bookkeeping software and processes. That is when the fun starts! In your first few months of business you will come across problems you have never dealt with before and we will be a phone call away to put your mind at ease and guide you through everything you encounter.

Is your business growing?

In business, growth works ‘hand in hand’ with innovation. With innovation, there will be opportunities for your company to grow organically. We believe that creating added value in your organisation is an ongoing and long-term process. Both innovation and change are essential when considering growth in your business. The key is keeping ahead of the challenges of change and supporting our clients through these challenges. With the use of technology and training, we will assist you in becoming the business owner you want to be. Firstly, establishing goals and plans to achieve those goals. We have a vested interest in your success and we will assist you in any way possible to support you in achieving success and growing to your full potential. Sometimes growth is not the issue but growing pains. Managing unexpected growth can be difficult. Let us assist you in both growth strategy and management.

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